After you've positioned the cursor at the insert row, you update the row's columns to hold your new data values and call the insertRow() method to indicate that the new values should be saved. 当您把游标定位到插入行之后,更新行的各个列以保存新数据值并调用insertRow()方法以指示应当保存新值。
Now you're ready to insert your new row, which requires moving the cursor to the special insert row by calling the moveToInsertRow() method. 现在,您已经准备好插入新行,这要求通过调用moveToInsertRow()方法把游标移动到特定插入行。
Now, let's write a program that will insert a row into the table POT. MAP, including image from the JPG file into the column PICTURE. 现在让我们来编写一个程序,向表POT.MAP中插入一行数据,即将JPG文件的图像插入到PICTURE中。
As a standard in my production application, I insert the row with an empty TimeSeries first. 作为我的生产应用程序的一个标准,我首先插入带有一个空TimeSeries的行。
Move the ResultSet cursor to insert a row. 可以移动ResultSet游标来插入一个行。
An HBase table schema defines the column families, but applications can create new members on the fly when you insert a row into the table. 一个HBase表模式定义多个列族,但当您向表中插入一行时,应用程序能够在运行时创建新成员。
ABCService receives a parameter from the business process and uses it as data to insert a row into the database. ABCService接收一个来自业务流程的参数,并将其作为数据将一行插入到数据库中。
The key concept is the introduction of a new, special row in the ResultSet, called the insert row. 主要思想是把一个特殊的新行引入到ResultSet中,称为insertrow。
The DB2 server determines the page in which to insert the row. DB2服务器确定将这一行插入到哪一页中。
Every time you need to insert a row into a table, you call the key manager for the new key value, and then insert the row with the obtained key value. 每当需要向表插入一个行时,便可以调用键管理器生成新的键值,然后将获得的键值插入新行。
You can even change the value of a field, or delete or insert an entire row on this page, and then commit or roll back the changes that you have made! 还可以更改字段的值,或在该页面中删除或插入整行,然后提交或回滚恢复所进行的更改!
Insert a row into a table with three indexes, and DB2 must add a corresponding entry to an index three times. 如果向一个带有3个索引的表插入一行,DB2必须向一个索引添加一个对应的条目3次。
If a word is new, we need to insert a row with that word. 如果单词是新的,则需要插入带有该单词的一行。
DB2 uses one of three algorithms for deciding where to insert a row. DB2使用三种算法中的一种来确定将行插入到哪里。
Otherwise, the value corresponds to the original insert of the row. 否则,该值将对应于最初的行插入时间。
To insert the row into the table, save the editor by selecting File> Save or using the shortcut, Ctrl+ S.The Data Output view's Messages tab shows the data was inserted successfully. 为了插入行到表中,选择File>Save或使用快捷键Ctrl+S保存编辑器。DataOutput视图的Messages选项卡显示数据插入成功。
Just like with the CachedRowSet I covered in the prequel to this article, to perform an insert, we must move the cursor to a special position called "insert row". 正如我在本文前一篇文章中提到的CachedRowSet一样,要执行插入,首先应将光标移动到名为“insertrow”的特定区域。
In the exception handler, insert a row into the error log table, recording the time and date, reason code, primary key, and coordinates. 在异常处理函数中,将一行插入错误日志表,这一行记录了时间和日期、原因编码、主键和坐标。
You can insert a row with the following statement 那么可以用下面的语句插入一个行
When you insert a row into a partitioned table, it is automatically placed into the appropriate data partition based on its key value and the range it falls within. 当在分区表中插入行时,会根据键值及其所处的范围自动地把它放到适当的数据分区中。
The Web service will invoke the SQL INSERT statement you saw earlier, using the values from the form to insert a row into the table. 像前面一样,Web服务将调用SQLINSERT语句,使用表单中的值将一行插入到表中。
When the sales manager attempted to insert a new row at the end of the table, it was this final lock that blocked her command. 当销售经理尝试在该表的末尾插入新行时,就是这最后一个锁阻塞了她的命令。
Cannot insert rows below the Insert row of a list. 无法在列表的插入行下插入行。
Cannot insert an empty row from a view into its base table ( s). 不能从视图中插入一个空行到其基表。
{ You cannot insert a row above the first row.} Select a row beneath the first row, and then try again. {无法在第一行以上插入行。}请选定第一行以下的行,再试一次。
Insert a new row in the table 在表格中插入一个新行
This feature cannot modify cells within the header, insert row, total row, read-only columns, or calculated columns in a list. 此功能不能在列表的标题行、插入行、总计行、只读列或计算列中修改单元格。
Even if the necessary primary key exists at the time you insert the row, the database server must ensure that it still exists when you commit your results. 即使在插入该行时所需的主键存在,数据库服务器也必须确保在提交结果时它还存在。
Insert each input row into a hash table, outputting each value for which no duplicate is found. 将每一个输入行插入哈希表,输出每个不重复的值。
When you are using an InfoPath form to send data, a recipient can add more records by clicking insert a row at the bottom of the e-mail message. 使用infopath表单发送数据时,收件人可以通过单击电子邮件底部的“插入行”来添加更多记录。